Al-Arjoon Nurseries Company
The Company's name Al-Arjoon Nurseries Company
Responsible person Mr. Adnan Suleiman
Phone First +963 947054713
Mobile First +963 947054713
Title Syria - Tartous - Al-Danareer Village
Specialization Tropical crops
About company
Al-Arjoun Nurseries Company
Al-Arjoun Tropical Nurseries is a leader in the world of tropical seedlings and tissue culture.
In addition to being the exclusive agent for the Badr Al-Rida banana variety in Syria and the Levant, we provide agricultural guidance and the best seedling treatment solutions.
We also offer investment opportunities for those unable to invest in their own land (we invest with you).
Address: Syria - Tartous - Al-Dinanir Village
Mobile: 0947054713

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