Padangki Agriculture
The Company's name Padangki Agriculture
Phone First +963 21 6801408
Mobile First +963 934696833
City Allepo
E-mail [email protected]
Title Syria - Aleppo
Specialization Soluble fertilizers, organic fertilizers, and hybrid seed varieties
About company
Badinjki Agriculture
Badinjki Agriculture is considered one of the most promising companies in the agricultural sector. It specializes in providing agricultural supplies, including soluble fertilizers, organic fertilizers, and hybrid seed varieties produced by leading international companies in these fields. This goal aims to advance the agricultural sector in Syria and achieve a better future.
We achieve this goal through diligent field work and accompanying farmers throughout all stages of production.
"Creating the future of agriculture" is our motto and approach. Vision and Mission
For agricultural supplies, ensuring adequate supply and high quality for operations.
We strive to be a sustainable partner and supplier of agricultural, production, distribution, and logistical support, ensuring the protection of the environment and natural resources.
Our Goal
To be the leading company in the field of high-quality fertilizer products globally and to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers in order to conserve resources.
Address: Syria - Aleppo
Telephone: 021/6801408
Mobile: 0934696833
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