Madagascar Palm

Madagascar Palm

One of the most beautiful trees, it requires watering once a week in the summer and once a month in the winter. The tree is susceptible to rot due to overwatering.
It can withstand heat but must be protected by covering it during the harsher months.
It is preferable to plant it near larger trees.
Light: Plant it in a sunny location because it loves light, but be careful of intense sunlight.
Propagation: By seeds, suckers, or newly grown cuttings.
The flowers are white and fragrant.
Fertilization: Once a month in the summer. It is preferable not to fertilize in the winter.
Note: When planted in the ground, it can reach a height of approximately 15 feet or more. When planted in the ground, it grows to a height of 1.5 to 2.5 meters, depending on the surrounding weather conditions.

Author: Rami Muhammad Sharif Abd Rabbah

Syrian Agricultural Guide, Syrian Agricultural Reference